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Participating in the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON with a wheelchair or handbike

In front of a moving and atmospheric backdrop in Berlin, the handbikers and wheelchair competitors will take on the popular marathon course of the BMW BERLIN MARATHON. The combination of top international competition and a fast and flat course makes this race a special experience.

You need a personal user account to register. Don’t have an user account yet? Take a look at our step-by-step guide on how to register an account.

Participation fee

Participation fee: € 200

The total package includes:

  • personal race entry
  • timekeeping
  • 4-day ticket for public transportation in fare zone ABC
  • clothing bag
  • extensive refreshments along the course and at the finish
  • professional staff in the start/finish area to provide assistance if required
  • comprehensive course security and closures of the 42 km circuit
  • Own guide vehicle for handbike and wheelchair athletes
  • technical service from the company "Seeger hilft GmbH & Co. KG" in the start area and along the route with a service vehicle (suitable tyres or spare parts must be provided by yourself)
  • accident assistance from the Johanniter for transport from the course to the finish in case of drop-out
  • Finisher medal
  • personalised finisher certificate online
  • extensive programme next to and on the course, including MARATHON EXPO, Hall of Fame, cheering points & music bands

Eligibility to participate

Regardless of the type of disability, participation is only possible for participants who are able to compete under one's own strength.

  • Auxiliary drives of any kind are not allowed
  • Kneeling bikes are not allowed in the race

Starting class

Wheelchair athletes

  • T 1 Quadriplegic Tetraplegia C5/C6: No functionality of the legs, trunk or fingers; no ability to straighten the elbows
  • T 2 Quadriplegic Tetraplegia C6/C7: No functionality of the legs or trunk; limited hand functionality; arms and shoulders fully functional
  • T 3/4 Quadriplegic Paraplegia and other disabilities (e.g. amputations): Full arm and hand functionality; limited to full trunk functionality; some impaired leg functionality


  • H1–H4 Recumbent: only hand cycle or adaptive bike
  • H1 Tetraplegia C6 and higher:Limited functionality of the arms and hands; severe limitations to straightening the elbows; limited temperature regulation
  • H2 Tetraplegia C7/C8: Limited functionality of the arms and hands; limited temperature regulation
  • H3 Paraplegia up to TH10: Limited trunk stability
  • H4 Paraplegia from TH11 to L4, leg amputations : Limited or no lower leg functionality; double upper leg amputations; normal or almost normal trunk stability


Time measurement is done exclusively with the MIKA TAG. Wheelchair users and hand cyclists will receive 2 MIKA TAGs. One MIKA-TAG will be on the back of your bib number, the second should be attached to the front of the wheelchair/handbike with a cable tie. 

The timing is done as usual by rolling over the mats at the start and finish. Since the MIKA TAG is a "disposable transponder", there is no need to return the bib number. Furthermore there is no additional rental fee, the time keeping is included in your participation fee.

Way to the MARATHON EXPO and Race material pick-up

Public transport:

Underground line 6 to Platz der Luftbrücke where a lift is available
Entrance is via the Ehrenhof (main hall of Tempelhof Airport)

Extra information regarding the race material pick-up can be found HERE

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